Lilac Lane Origins...

A near Easter outfit disaster and an introduction to a Montana influencer... there's a lot to the story of how Lilac Lane was born.
First pop-up at a local coffee shop, 2018.
It was the Saturday before Easter 2017. I was watching the dirt road for any sign of the UPS truck. My daughter was 3 months old, my son was 2 ½. I had a vision for our Easter. I wanted coordinating outfits, dress shoes, bowties, the whole deal. Specifically, I wanted my daughter to have white booties and an Easter bonnet.
Looking back, I can’t tell you why I was so obsessed with her having a bonnet and white booties. Literally no idea. I can tell you that I now recognize I was struggling with postpartum depression or “baby blues”. For some reason, it was really, really monumental that she have a bonnet and booties.
About 45 minutes later, the UPS man returns in a cloud of dust. He’s found the teeny tiny missing Easter bonnet package and saved Easter for a very tired, puffy faced mama.
As you can see, despite my outfit vision materializing, the photos I had imagined, did not. This is what my kids thought of the whole thing.
In fact, Google reminds me each year that not only did I not get a good picture that Easter day, I also apparently re-dressed up my infant the next day to try and get a better photo…..I have no recollection of this but Google remembers all. That photoshoot was also a fail.
We did a little better this year with the photo. :-D One of the kids had a cold, so our plans for church and family gatherings didn't happen. We were in pajamas till the afternoon when we pulled it together for an Easter tea party. It wasn't my perfectly planned Easter, but it was lovely.
In October 2018 I met photographer and social media influencer Camille Clausen (Montana Moonlight) at a Baby Expo. At the time, she had a traveling children's boutique and I fell in love with EVERYTHING. Camille is an amazing person and as I gushed over the clothes, she encouraged me to start my own business.
I couldn't shake the idea.

Lilac Lane Spring 2022
We now carry 75+ brands. We have five part-time employees. I'm a little better at taking photos, haha! We have a website (work-in-progress) and wonderful customers who shop with us for their special photos and occasions. It brings me and the wonderful ladies that keep our little shop running, so much joy.
Are there times I wonder if our little shop will make it? Yes. Retail is the hardest job I've ever had and I've dabbled in quite a few career fields. I'm still learning, and the learning curve for a business owner is steep, stressful and expensive. But seeing our clothes on children around town, being tagged in photos from across the makes me think that my original mission to make just one thing a little easier for mamas- well, maybe we've accomplished that. <3